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Friday 2 September 2011

My Book, Our Blog

I suppose since this blog is strongly tied to my novel I should give a little more info about it. My main writing interests are fantasy and historical fiction. I have projects in both, but as I am also at uni and working, I really needed to just put one of my writing projects on hold and focus  on the other, or I was never going to get either of them done (and I’d probably crash and burn at uni, too!).  
                I decided to drop the historical fiction, since that was requiring a great deal of research more than any writing at this stage. The fantasy can just be written – no concern there for historical or contemporary fact.
                It’s developing fairly well so far. I’m not much of a planner, so I’ve jumped all over the place, writing scenes from the beginning, from the middle, from the end. Now I’m working on tying them together and since I haven’t really planned, this means that some of the scenes I wrote at the beginning of the year will no longer happen, because the story just hasn’t tended that way. Sometimes it’s disappointing, because I really liked that scene, but I just store it up in another file, waiting for the day I can insert it back into the plot, or even into my next story.
                Since I’ve gotten serious about writing I’ve picked up a lot of advice from a wide range of people. I’ve talked to fellow writers, done a workshop, attended some writing festivals and talked to published writers. Some topics I want to post on in the near future include planning techniques, clichés, characterisation, plot, dialogue, writing software and getting published.          
                Since this is a blog for all writers, I’d like to hear what you’re having trouble with, or hurdles you’ve overcome. As a community, I’m sure we can find some answers! Until I get suggestions, I’ll be posting about several topics I’ve come across in my own writing and discussion with other writers.
This was more of a second introduction – the next post will really get into it: Planners versus Wingers


  1. Not so Anonymous Names Orien you can find me on under Shrouded_Mirage (where I get some of my ideas out)

    Well my problems seem to stem from a few sources; like yourself I'm no planner and when I get some chapter done well I suddenly get blocked for awhile and nothing I've tried gets me past it save for time or maybe the odd word or phrase I may randomly hear which makes my brain go into overdrive.

    Second I'm doing a science fiction fantasy novel for younger readers and have been trying to get answers about rituals and such from the people of the faiths like: wicca, pagan, or others and have gotten nothing.

    Third and my biggest problem I seem to get way to many ideas in my head and if I don't take the time to type em out I can't focus very well. Kinda sad really.

  2. I have the same problem, where I'll get really inspired for a while, write heaps and then not write for a few days because I just have a complete blank. Going for a nice long run always seems to get me in a writing mood, don't know why. I've heard other people say a warm bath helps them!

    I've been working sporadically on a historical fiction novel and I've needed to do a fair bit of research for that. There was only a bit of info on the net and no one I know has any knowledge of the time period I'm writing about. I found that books from the library were the best source for info, so I recommend starting there whenever you need to do research. The net is probably more convenient, but you can't beat a library for qualtiy and accuracy of information.

    I envy you with your head full of ideas! To be honest, I struggle to come up with ideas most of the time. Ocassionally I'll have a really good one just out of the blue, but I'm not one of those people who seem to have an endless supply of creative ideas. I do know what you mean by not being able to focus if you have an idea though. As a result I've started putting my writing as my first priority befoee uni work and other stuff, because I know I won't be able to concentrate on those important things at all if I don't just get that scene out of my head and onto paper.

  3. Welcome to the blog by the way! Really great to read your comments.

  4. Orien again well I thank you. Sadly though going for a run isn't much of an option and bathes are great and all but I dunno when your too tall you have to keep a good portion of your body out of the tub it's not so great. Personally I prefer TaiChi for excersize and stress relief.

    My research for the story has been a pain as I've used the library and it didn't have what I needed niether did barnes and noble. As for the internet while easily accesible the people leave much to be desired.

    As for my head full of ideas well it's not something i'd wish on anybody. I have over twenty different dead story files. What a pain.

    Still I've done the most amusing thing ever at the begining of last week. I woke up in the middle of night (more like 3:50) and half asleep I started a new story that flows so much better than any others i've got.

    As far as I know while similar to others theres not another quite like it. Over the past six days i've eaked out four chapters and am still going! The best part when I'm writing it I'm smiling...unlike with the one I've spent so much time researching it stopped being fun.

    I guess it goes to show ya suffering for your art is truly ludicrous.
